What are the preventive measures to be adopted against car theft? What do the different insurance coverages cover? In case of theft, how is the compensation?

Obligations in the prevention of car theft

Prevention measures :
  • The installation of protective devices
The insurer may require the installation of devices, such as: placing an alarm, setting up a circuit breaker to prevent starting, engraving on all the windows of the identification number, accompanied by an inscription of the vehicle on a file accessible to the police, delivery of the vehicle at night in a locked garage. The setting up of these devices varies according to the vehicles and the contracts.
  • A careful attitude
Many insurers condition the introduction of the flight guarantee to a "cautious" behavior which consists, when leaving the vehicle:
  • to leave no object, (keys, remote controls, telephones or laptops, cameras, papers and valuables ...) and to take away the portable navigation device if you use one;
  • to remove the key from the dashboard and lock the steering wheel in the anti-theft position;
  • to close the windows, the doors and the trunk.

Consequences of the absence of preventive measures

In the event of non-compliance with the recommended preventive measures, the contracts may provide for various sanctions ranging from the non-guarantee to the reduction of the indemnity. Theft insurance Guarantees and terms of indemnification vary depending on the insurance contract : the definition of theft guarantee The flight guarantee covers in particular:
  • The disappearance or deterioration of the insured vehicle following a theft or attempted theft;
  • The theft only of accessories and spare parts, in case of attempted theft of the vehicle itself or in the event of a break in the premises in which the vehicle is parked;
  • The hijacking of the vehicle as a result of a breach of trust or a scam.
  • The attempted robbery
There was an attempt at theft when unambiguous material evidence is found:
  • steering, locks, electronic alarm or immobilizer system or electrical contacts of the starter system;
  • break-in of windows, sunroofs or windows, doors, locks, hood or trunk;
  • electronic burglary (hacking of the computer system).
Scam or breach of trust There is fraud when a person is given a vehicle using a false name, a false quality or using fraudulent maneuvers. Breach of trust is the hijacking by a person of a vehicle that has been given to him for a specific purpose.
  • The most common warranties extensions
  • There is a wide variety of contracts. They sometimes include some extensions of warranty.
  • Vandalism
  • This guarantee covers voluntary damage committed during the theft or attempted theft of the vehicle or one of its components or accessories.
  • Theft of accessories, vehicle elements
  • Theft of wheels, engine block, body parts, seats can be assured.
The warranty is sometimes extended to other equipment of the vehicle, as well as alarm systems, anti-start or navigation. It can also cover the damage caused by thieves to other parts of the vehicle to steal the elements guaranteed. Theft of content The theft of the objects contained in the vehicle is not automatically covered by the theft warranty. When this guarantee is provided, it is usually capped at a certain amount. Professional amenities Fixed professional arrangements intended for the exercise of the insured's professional activity may be covered. The costs resulting from the theft In particular, the following fees may be guaranteed:
  • Impoundment ;
  • registration certificate ;
  • troubleshooting and towing, and other recovery costs;

Procedures in case of car theft

The declaration of theft The theft must be reported immediately to local police or gendarmerie authorities. If the papers were stolen with the vehicle, do not forget to specify it when filing a complaint. The insurer must be informed of the flight no later than two working days. The insurance company may refuse to compensate the theft, if this delay is not respected and it causes him harm. The insurer must be informed of the flight no later than two working days. The insurance company may refuse to compensate the theft, if this delay is not respected and it causes him harm. It is the responsibility of the insured to prove that the vehicle was the subject of a theft or attempted theft as defined in the contract. Any omission or intentional misrepresentation of the nature, circumstances and consequences of a theft, is likely to result in forfeiture of the guarantee and therefore to cancel any right to compensation by the insurer. The supporting documents to be provided A certificate of complaint to the police or gendarmerie authorities is required by the insurer. In addition, to make the compensation, the insurer can ask the insured to communicate the various documents concerning the vehicle (registration certificate, certificate of situation - pledge or non-pledge - issued by the prefecture, contract of leasing or rental, purchase invoice or sales certificate, installation invoice of the detection and recovery system for stolen vehicles or a proof of subscription ...) and sets of keys.

Compensation in case of car theft

The insurance contract generally provides that the compensation in case of theft corresponds to the value of the vehicle to say expert at the day of the accident. It is an average value determined from the value of the vehicle on the second-hand market. Two situations must be distinguished according to whether the vehicle is found or not. The car is found Most contracts specify that the insured must pick up his vehicle as long as he has not received the allowance or within thirty days. After this period, the insured chooses to keep the indemnity or to recover his car. If the car is found damaged, the insurer pays the amount of the repairs up to the value defined in the contract, after deduction of a possible franchise. He also reimburses the expenses incurred to recover the car provided that they are justified or that he himself has previously agreed. The amount of compensation for accessories or stolen items is indicated in the contract: use value for accessories listed in the manufacturer's catalog; possible franchise ... The car is not found After a period indicated in the contract, usually thirty days, the insured can claim the insurer reimbursement of the vehicle. The latter then pays, against handing over of the keys and papers (registration certificate, certificate of situation), an indemnity calculated according to the terms of the contract.